But I can't resist myself from writing about your thoughts, that appear daily, right here, in my mind in a very special place that is more than just thoughts, it's the feelings I get when my fingers don't stop and keep typing without blinking for a second over it. And I always get a thought, that "Why did it happen?" What? I don't know whatever it was, those were the best two months of my life. I have never met someone so much caring, in my entire life. And I don't even think that I'll get, anyhow. You were the best thing happened to me, so far. But do I want you to be back? No! Because now I know, Things can never be the same again, what is gone is gone, and can never come back. But Yes, Hell Yeah! I miss you! I do, and I can't deny that fact. I miss the very presence of your aroma in my shirt, I miss every second of those late night conversation,
Geek. Programmer. Student.